Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well, are ya?

Get in.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hey, you, down in the rabbit hole!

Yeah, I'm talking about you, you delusional fucking MSU Rider. Here's something that will make your bizarre world of delusion a little more surreal:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Now where were we?

Hmm. I remember!

Let's see if we can get her a custom MSU Black shirt so she can not wear it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Freedom of speech...

is a bitch when you don't like what it's saying.

Pornography: the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement.

The human body is a beautiful work of art; you should learn to enjoy it, not slander it and abuse it for your own personal satisfaction. Personally, I see beauty as a form of art, but, then again, I'm not that shallow.

Goya's La maja desnuda:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Let's check back often!"

"Let's check out what MSU Black is up to today!"

"MSU Black is always turning me on!"

"I'm their biggest fan!"
-"No, I am!"
"Love me!"

"I really wish MSU Black were here right now."

"What just happened?"
-"I don't know, but let's come back more often!"
"Mmm, okay. IN."

Thursday, March 4, 2010


More, more, more.

Okay, what the hell.

Personal Day

There's nothing better than sleeping in, not going to classes, popping a few analgesics, drinking some coffee, listening to some slowcore and surfin' the World-Wide-Web of Pr0n0graphy. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Okay then.

No one gives a fuck about the music other people like, so I'll share with you something that we all love.

Before the pr0n commences, I will give you a MSU Cycling Team update: It's a huge fucking fail. Nuff' said. Everyone on it is a big quadriplegic dripping mangina. Everyone likes to bitch and pretend like they are going to shit all over The Mighty Mighty Poodletones, but, instead, prefer to shit all over themselves. MSU Cycling Team might as well be re-named Fecal Freak Racing. That's cool and all (if that's your thing).

Here's MSU Black's thing:

"Hey Peter, man, check out MSUBLACKBLOG, check out this chick!"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Operation: Human Anatomy Review

Greetings friend or foe,

MSU Black has a couple tasks for you all:

1.) Find your balls. They are located between your legs. If all you find is an empty sac, please go chug Poodle Messiah c0ck and have fun knowing that you're sub-boy or possibly even sub-human. Note: All women are excused from this task. MSU Black loves beautiful women. Men (and beautiful women) don't sit back and watch wrongdoings prevail; boys and poodles do.

2.) Find your backbone. It is the main support structure for your body, located behind all your vital organs (it doesn't have your back, it is your back). Jellyfish (and other invertebrates) are disallowed here on MSU Black, as are the p^ssies who would rather be bent over and taken advantage of my the long dicks of the unjust than to stand up tall and display a smidgen of pride and self-respect. In other words, if you feel like you're receiving a raging romping by the royal runaround, you definitely are ("If there is no doubt, there is no doubt" now means something doesn't it?). How many heinous atrocities will you witness and how many unanswered messages of woe will you send before you come to the realization that sitting back and hoping for something to change will not accomplish anything? Mind your posture and stand up tall.

It's time to separate the poodles from the wolves. Join (MSU Black) or make like a jellyfish and float off to the deep blue abyss where there will be weeping and the gnashing of shark teeth.

Rice or be riced,
MSU Black

Monday, February 15, 2010

Operation: Gold to Black

Damn the torpedos!

MSU Black is alive and kicking. It's time to get aboard and fight for what's yours. The pillars of the sordid temple that is the MSU team will crumble to the dirt below to be forever forgotten. Fight for what's right. Go Black.

Full speed ahead!

MSU Black